Tuesday, June 29, 2010

No Holds Barred

Great day!

I hope you are working on one of your three pieces for the up coming Exhibition. It may seem like a lot of time between now and the mailing date...end of Oct. but it really isn't.

If you have not completed your first piece you should be heading towards it's start or completion by now. For a really fine piece of work with all the I's dotted and the T's crossed you need to spend a few hours a day or week to make the deadline, depending on what you are making.

A really fine work of art does not have a size limit. However keep in mind that there are spaces for large, medium and small works. We really want you to stretch and make the most of the time we have available. I hope you plan to attend the August meeting in Lowell, a little bird told me we may have a guest from SAQA. More on that when I get the confirmation!

Keep creating and check the yahoo postings from time to time. If your region is having a meeting post it on the blog and some of us from other areas of New England will try to make it!

Also check the older posting I have updated the name on all, may have missed one, and updated the dates due.

Ms. V
Co-Chair 2011 SAQA New England & the New England Quilt Museum